So, my best friend, ScrapMaven, brought a new purse to a recent dim sum feast. A brilliant invention, the base cloth bag (black or brown) has magnets across the top on both sides. Special "shells" wrap around the bag and attach with the magnets. Her shell was a gorgeous nail-polish red.
I came home and drooled over the website for about two hours ( The bags and their oh-so-varied shells are NOT cheap. Then I went to eBay and drooled some more. Apparently, entreprenurial and crafty individuals are making fabric "wraps" for the shells, so you can have even MORE variety for your purse. Want a St. Patrick's Day design? $10 and shipping, and this lovely wrap can be yours. Easter bunny? No sweat.
Long straps are additional cost, but interchangeable because of the ingenious safety-pin like rings (sturdier metal than safety pins, of course).
I am NOT a purse-gal. The black leather purse I use has been my main bag for nearly two years, ever since I fell in love with its multiple pockets on a Disneyland trip. But I recently have made the effort to upgrade and update my wardrobe for work. Suddenly, my old standard just looked, well, old.
So, after scouring every outlet mall between here and the coast for a replacement purse, I found myself staring at the computer screen again, drooling over the eBay offerings. Cruising the internet, I found a separate site that was offering a Miche discount - one bag, four shells, and the long straps, for about 33% off the official Miche site.
My package arrived today. It took me about 5 minutes to move all of my stuff from one purse to the other. And another 5 minutes to take pictures of all four shells. Being the crafty kat that I am, you KNOW I will be creating wraps in the coming months.
This is SO girly-girl. I LOVE it!!