Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Skeleton In The Closet
Labels: Mostly A Picture, Work
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Overheard And OPB
Turn Off The Bubble Machine
Critter, watching The Lawrence Welk Show: Is this like old-time Dancing With The Stars?
Labels: Overheard
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sorry, Charlie!

Labels: Baking
Monsters Must Lead Such Interesting Lives
And the same is true for our Pretty Boy. A sudden rain shower combined with a Flower Child, free-lovin' 60's stance on grooming, Pretty Boy had developed some matted fur which we could not get out.

He even survived the hair drying process (mostly). We've got our happy boy back now and the groomer sustained only a minor scratch. Sounds like they'd be happy to see him again, especially since his groomer suggested, "He'd look real cute with a lion's cut..."
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Overheard At Home
CrafterKat and I both read some of the Overheard sites. If you've never been, they can be quite... well, not always safe for work, let's say... The original one (I believe) is Overheard in New York because, let's face it, New Yorkers are a bit peculiar in their speech... This one site has spawned many, many more. From colleges across America to Overheard in the Office to even a Rose City site.
We're thinking we need our own site for those one line zingers that leave us chuckling for days. And so, without further ado, we bring you two Overheard at Home:
Just Give It To Me Straight
Critter, finishing up her cat care duties: Poop is heavy.
Another Spot The Sun Don't Shine
Critter, in response to "Do you have your homework?": Yeah, it's in my butt pocket.
Labels: Overheard
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Bored Now
We encourage Critter to find non-electronic forms of entertainment whenever possible. Most of the time she just complains about the TV and computer being off limits. Sometimes she surprises us... Boredom makes the time go stranger...
Labels: Mostly A Picture
May the Road Rise to Meet You
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
On The Map, Next To State Of Confusion
At work my techie coworkers and I have developed a timeline for the campus to move forward with different computer updates. Last summer we updated all school computers to using Internet Explorer 7. Summer of 2008 will see us moving to Office 2007. In January of 2009 we'll begin installing Windows Vista. For now, we are in a holding pattern--running Windows XP updates and keeping our fingers crossed.
Which brings us to Random Work Conversation #34 (after turning on a setting which we thought had turned off over the summer).
Evil PXE to Web Programmer: Hey, the script didn't run.
Web Programmer (who I promise I'll name at some point...): It didn't?
Evil PXE, supressing a chuckle and adopting a stern voice: Damn JewelGeek and her updates! It's put the computers in a state of unworkency!
Labels: Geek Times, Work