Last night Critter sat beside me as I uploaded the photos of our kitchen remodel. I clicked the Publish button and she viewed the latest entry, reading aloud the captions I had placed for various photos. I think this was the first time she had actually read our blog.
She continued to read older entries aloud, surprised I think, about the subject matter in some of them. When she reached the entry about watching the Tony Awards in June, I left the room to give her some privacy. She gave a horrified/astonished yell from the living room. I ran out from the bedroom, "What?!"
"Mrs. Potts won a Tony?!"
Indeed she did.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Mrs. Potts Makes the Worst Pies in London
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Kitty Play Structures Also Known As 'Cabinets'
Yesterday we came home to find a few of our base cabinets moved into position. We let the kitties out to explore.
Then The Little Man figured out this mathematical equation:

I never knew Bar-B-Que tongs could come in so handy...
Today the cabinets are in their permanent places but not tightened into place. Monday the contractor who puts in the mocha countertop will come in to measure the cabinets and build his template. The room has less echoes now and is looking more like our dream kitchen.

Labels: Home Improvement, Pets
Monday, July 10, 2006
Amazed, Astonished, Thunderstruck, Floored!
It's been two months since we last saw a sample; now our entire kitchen is covered in this beautiful terra cotta-inspired flooring. Even the kitties approve of the floor, though they are uncertain about the gleeful echoes we produce when oooh-ing and aaaaah-ing over it.
And a lucky bonus... The Plastic Wall is down!
Labels: Home Improvement
Friday, July 07, 2006
Waiting For The Plastic To Fall
We've all discovered a new smell. Drywall dusted plastic. This chalky, dry odor has permeated every inch of our home and sealed itself to our clothes; no amount of kitten bathing has removed it from fur and paws. We eagerly await a time when it will permanently disappear.
A brief photo update on our kitchen progress...
We went from this...
...and with a little help from Mr. GoGoGo to this...
Mr. GoGoGo got some friendly advice from Lumpy, especially with the plumbing.
Lumpy required some assistance as well...
And then our Contractor...
...proceded to do this. We especially love the laundry tub sink, unless it's our turn to wash dishes...

We can hardly wait. The floor goes down early next week and then the cabinets.
And then, oh yes, the Plastic will fall.
Labels: Home Improvement, Lumpy